Animal Communication / Connection Training Reviews

Prepare for a deep and powerful experience

“Prepare for a deep and powerful experience that expands and empowers your whole life in surprising ways. Although the focus and skills are all about communicating with animals, Christina’s teaching… Read more “Prepare for a deep and powerful experience”

Helen Costello Perth, Australia

Our world can be full of unimaginably rich interactions with all animals

“Once we open our hearts and pay attention, our world can be full of unimaginably rich interactions with all animals on Earth with us. The course is a journey of… Read more “Our world can be full of unimaginably rich interactions with all animals”

Steve H ​Perth, Australia

The course was surprising and amazing

“I didn’t know what to expect when I enrolled for Christina’s course. I went along with excitement and trepidation. The course was surprising and amazing. Surprising in that everyone experienced… Read more “The course was surprising and amazing”

Helen Perth, Australia
Mental Health Professional

Animal Communication Training 2019 – (level 1)

Today I had my first session out of five in a workshop by Christina Bürki which aims to deepen the connection we humans have with animals, with the aim to… Read more “Animal Communication Training 2019 – (level 1)”

Christina and Joya

Animal Communication Training (level 1) – Session 2

On the 18th of January we had our second animal communication workshop day, starting the year with a bang. It was wonderful to see the other participants again, since we… Read more “Animal Communication Training (level 1) – Session 2”


This Training enhanced my spiritual gifts

I started out didn’t know what to expect. I gave my all & didn’t know what I would get out of it, I found I had enhanced my spiritual gifts… Read more “This Training enhanced my spiritual gifts”

Maddelyn Armstrong 

Incredible journey of communicating with animals

“I am very honoured to have met such a beautiful caring lady Christina who has taken me through an incredible journey of communicating with animals. I first attended Level 1… Read more “Incredible journey of communicating with animals”

Vicky  Williamson Perth, Australia
Business Owner and Animal Lover

Animal Connection Training 2020 (level 1) – Session 2

I feel our second session has grown more with kinship , and the open heartedness felt within our group is more pronounced allowing more trust to circulate between us, hence… Read more “Animal Connection Training 2020 (level 1) – Session 2”


Animal Connection Training (Level 1)

Our first session was really interesting. Not exactly what I expected. I loved the fact that you made us do little practical things of how to be present and connected… Read more “Animal Connection Training (Level 1)”

Butterfly sitting on the hand

Not only in improving my Animal communication skills but also improving myself

“I took Christina’s One-to-One Online Training. It was the best choice I had made regarding my education in Animal communication. This training covered lots of useful and fascinating subjects. Christina… Read more “Not only in improving my Animal communication skills but also improving myself”

Agrita Žunna, Latvia

A true belief that we can communicate with animals at a higher level

“Rarely does one meet a truly beautiful and genuine Earth Angel, and I have had the pleasure of meeting Christina. I have completed Christina’s Level 1 Training and have enrolled… Read more “A true belief that we can communicate with animals at a higher level”

Vicky Perth, Australia  

It was a magical journey of ongoing awakenings for me

“I really enjoyed the animal connect course – it was a magical journey of ongoing awakenings for me…. It was lovely to meet a range of helpers like spirit animals… Read more “It was a magical journey of ongoing awakenings for me”

Josephine Perth, Australia

Completing this training was such a gift

“Christina creates a haven through her training; a sanctuary that holds space for profoundly deep experiences of awakening and growth. Through inspired, deeply visualised sessions, Christina connects us with what… Read more “Completing this training was such a gift”

Andrea Jenkins  Perth, Australia

What an amazing moving experience

“I have just completed Level 2 of Animal Communication Training with our beautiful Christina and what an amazing and moving experience. In Level 2 we went deeper into meditation and… Read more “What an amazing moving experience”

Vicky  Williamson Perth, Australia
Business Owner and Animal Lover

What an amazing training

“What an amazing training!! Christina’s knowledge, experience and wisdom are truly valuable. Her Psychotherapy qualification deepened the entire experience on a whole new level. She’s a natural healer and teacher.… Read more “What an amazing training”

Maja Čorak Perth, Australia

Animal Connection Training 2020 (level 1) – Session 1

My first experience on arrival for the Animal Communication Training Course by Christina Burki, was hearing their dog ” Buddy ” a beautiful big golden retriever who was saying… Hello… Read more “Animal Connection Training 2020 (level 1) – Session 1”

Christina and Joya

I deepend the connection with myself

“The animal communication course with Christina was a wonderful experience. Not only did I learn to connect with animals but I deepened a connection with myself. Many thanks Christina.”

Catherine Perth, Australia

Animal Connection and Communication Training is a fabulous step-by-step course

“Choosing to join Christina Burki’s workshop was a spontaneous decision when I met her through a mutual friend.  I’m so glad I followed my intuition and jumped in as I… Read more “Animal Connection and Communication Training is a fabulous step-by-step course”

Helen Walker Perth, Australia

To ‘hear’ animals is an amazing gift

“It has been a wonderful journey.  Your course has given me another layer to integrate into myself and to see again how certain patterns are operating in my life.  The… Read more “To ‘hear’ animals is an amazing gift”

Tamara Herman CF, Coolbellup Australia
(BMus, Dip Hom, Dip Bot Med, Reiki Practitioner)

It brought me so much more than I could ever have imagined

“Christina Burki’s course was brought to my attention by what could only be explained as Divine Intervention and It brought me so much more than I could ever have imagined.… Read more “It brought me so much more than I could ever have imagined”

Dianne Gray  Perth, Australia

Being in this deep communion with animals has been nothing short of transformation

“After having Christina talk with my herd and having such profound results, I knew Animal Communication was something I wanted to explore. Completing Christina’s Level 1 Animal Communication course has opened me… Read more “Being in this deep communion with animals has been nothing short of transformation”

Andrea Jenkins Perth, Australia

Spiritual growth with amazing animals

Level 2 Animal Connect @meditation for the whole weekend at the A better life Animal Sanctuary in York was just amazing and very relaxing with no pressure and lots& lots… Read more “Spiritual growth with amazing animals”

maddelyn armstrong