I am very honoured to have met such a beautiful caring lady Christina who has taken me through an incredible journey of communicating with animals. I first attended Level 1 in March 2017 which opened up so much understanding of how communicating with animals is so pure and real.

I then went onto Level 2 in September 2018, which involved integration and deepening of our Inner Wisdom and Palliative Guidance.. oh my gosh what an amazing experience with our celebration at Possum Valley Sanctuary in Mount Helena which was so humbling to experience the unselfish love and dedication of the owners Chris & Mark who care for the animals at the sanctuary.

I was so deepened by Level 2 that I couldn’t wait to attend Level 3 February 2019.. wow, wow, wow, this Level just got deeper and more amazing with a Sacred Fire Ritual and a very powerful Shamanic Journey and Sound Healing performed by the amazing Julian Kilburn & Sophie Lawrence.

We concluded our Level 3 training and celebration with a weekend away in beautiful Nannup with amazing connections with the donkeys and horses at Wadi Farm Equine Learning Centre run by another beautiful and caring couple Katherine & Kevin.

I now will go on to develop my own Animal Communication Sessions with all the knowledge and deepening I have learnt from Christina.. I am so thankful that I have travelled this journey with Christina Burki.. thank you, thank you and thank you again.

I highly recommend that anyone that has a love for animals and would love to communicate with them at a deeper level should make contact with Christina.🐶🦉🐴💜💜

Vicky Williamson