My first experience on arrival for the Animal Communication Training Course by Christina Burki, was hearing their dog ” Buddy ” a beautiful big golden retriever who was saying… Hello and Welcome … with his owner Christina , at the front door of their home, when we were all meeting for the first time.
Once inside, our group arrived as if everyone were together already, yet we had not met before, we all had separate transport, it was perfect timing, all keen to be there attending Christina’s Training.
Buddy seemed so familiar with the drill and was happy wagging his tail, while the humans were meeting and being introduced, along with the rest of his fur siblings , being 2 beautiful cats and a gorgeous black Labrador senior girl, a connection was being made from the word go.
For me to describe the first session of our training, can be achieved through speaking of Christina …
Her kindness, her support, her compassion, her words, her actions and her dedication for what she loves in this world, radiates out through her being , which was felt by our beautiful group and witnessed during the time we all shared together learning our first steps toward connection and communication between animals and human beings.
Thank you Christina, for this life changing opportunity and training .